Hydrolyzed Grass Fed Whey Protein - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMALHydrolyzed Grass Fed Whey Protein - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMAL

Hydrolysiertes grasgefüttertes Molkenprotein

Hoher Eiweißgehalt · 100% Hydrolisiert · Kein Zucker oder Fett
Pure Whey Protein · 70% ISO + 30% Concentrate - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMALPure Whey Protein · 70% ISO + 30% Concentrate - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMAL

Das Pure Whey Protein

70% Whey Protein ISOLAT, 30% Whey Protein Konzentrat
Protein Pancakes Mix - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMALProtein Pancakes Mix - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMAL

Die Protein Pancakes

Einfach herzustellende Protein-Pancakes-Backmischung
Three Whey Protein - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMALThree Whey Protein - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMAL

Three Whey Protein

3 Geschmäcker
Plant Warrior: Vegan Protein with Superfoods - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMALPlant Warrior: Vegan Protein with Superfoods - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMAL

Plant Warrior Protein - Veganes Protein mit Superfoods

Vollständiges Aminosäureprofil · Super leckeres veganes Protein · 30 Portionen
Single Serving Three Whey Protein - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMALSingle Serving Three Whey Protein - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMAL
Im Angebot

Three Whey Protein - Einzelportion

Einzeln Portionen · 30 g Protein pro Portion · Mit Verdauungsenzymen
2,00€ 3,50€
The Pre and Post Workout Pack - GO PRIMALPackGO PRIMALThe Pre and Post Workout Pack - GO PRIMALPackGO PRIMAL

Das Vor und Nach dem Workout Pack

Mehr als ein Pre-Workout | Pure Whey Protein | Magnesium-Zink-Komplex
The "Favolous" Muffin. High in Protein - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMALThe "Favolous" Muffin. High in Protein - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMAL
The Strength Pack - GO PRIMALPackGO PRIMALThe Strength Pack - GO PRIMALPackGO PRIMAL
Im Angebot

Das Kraft Pack

Pure Whey, Magnesium – Zinc – Vitamin B6 & Creatine Monohydrate
102,30€ 107,30€
Ultrapure Creatine Monohydrate - Unflavoured - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMALUltrapure Creatine Monohydrate - Unflavoured - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMAL
Im Angebot

Ultra Kreatinmonohydrat

400gr · 100 Portionen · Neutraler Geschmack · Vegan · Drittgetestet
26,00€ 31,90€
Go Primal Creatine Monohydrate Creapure®️ - Unflavoured - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMALGo Primal Creatine Monohydrate Creapure®️ - Unflavoured - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMAL
Im Angebot

Go Primal Kreatin Monohydrate Creapure® ️ - Geschmacksneutral

Creapure®️ · 400gr · 100 Portionen · Geschmacksneutral · Vegan
33,00€ 36,00€
Hydrate - Magnesium & Electrolytes. - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMALHydrate - Magnesium & Electrolytes. - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMAL
Im Angebot

Hydrate- Magnesium & Elektrolyte

30 Portionen - 300mg Magnesium & Kalium - Ohne Zucker
23,90€ 29,90€
Hvmping and Pumping - More than a Pre - Workout - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMALHvmping and Pumping - More than a Pre - Workout - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMAL

Hvmping and Pumping - Mehr als nur ein Pre-Workout

Mit natürlicher Koffein- und Nootropika-Mischung. Echte Energie.
Ultrapure Beta Alanine - Unflavoured - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMALUltrapure Beta Alanine - Unflavoured - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMAL

Beta Alanin

100 Portionen
Magnesium, Zinc & Vit. B6 - Recover & Regenerate - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMALMagnesium, Zinc & Vit. B6 - Recover & Regenerate - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMAL

Magnesium, Zink & Vitamin B6

Mag Bisglycinat-Taurinat 300mg - 90 Kapseln
HydraForce - Electrolytes, Creatine and Vit. C - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMALHydraForce - Electrolytes, Creatine and Vit. C - GO PRIMALSupplementGO PRIMAL
Im Angebot
20,10€ 33,50€

How to Gain Strength and Muscle with GoPrimal Supplements

How to Gain Strength and Muscle with GoPrimal Supplements

Building muscle mass and strength requires consistent training, proper nutrition, and the right supplementation. GoPrimal offers high-quality, science-backed supplements designed to enhance performance, optimize recovery, and support long-term strength development. Here’s everything you need to know about using supplements to maximize your results.

Why Is It Important to Use Supplements to Gain Strength and Muscle Mass?

While whole foods should be the foundation of your diet, supplements help fill nutritional gaps, accelerate recovery, and improve workout performance. GoPrimal supplements are formulated to support muscle repair, optimize protein synthesis, and provide essential nutrients that may be hard to obtain through food alone.

Key Supplements for Strength and Muscle Mass

GoPrimal offers a range of supplements designed to fuel your strength and muscle-building journey:

  • Pure Whey Protein – A premium blend of 70% whey isolate and 30% whey concentrate with digestive enzymes to improve absorption and muscle recovery.
  • Omega-3 – High-quality fish oil to reduce inflammation, improve joint health, and support muscle recovery.
  • Magnesium Complex – Essential for muscle function, reducing cramps, and enhancing recovery.
  • Multivitamin – Provides essential micronutrients to support overall health and performance.
  • Hydration Products (HydraForce, HydraEnergy, Hydrate) – Maintain electrolyte balance, optimize endurance, and prevent dehydration.

What Are the Essential Vitamins for Muscle Mass and Strength?

Micronutrients play a crucial role in muscle growth and recovery. GoPrimal’s Multivitamin, Magnesium Complex, and Vitamin D3 provide the key nutrients needed for optimal muscle function:

  • Vitamin D3 – Supports testosterone levels, muscle function, and recovery.
  • Magnesium – Essential for muscle relaxation, preventing cramps, and improving sleep.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Helps reduce inflammation and improve muscle recovery.

What Is the Ideal Supplement for Muscle Mass and Strength?

The best combination includes Pure Whey Protein, Omega-3, Magnesium Complex, and a Multivitamin to ensure optimal protein intake, recovery, and overall muscle function.

What Is the Best Pre-Workout Supplement for Muscle Mass and Strength?

GoPrimal’s HydraEnergy is the perfect pre-workout hydration supplement. It contains electrolytes and caffeine for enhanced endurance, focus, and performance, ensuring you train at your best.

How to Add Supplements for Strength and Muscle Mass (Pre, During, and After Training)

  • Pre-Workout: Take HydraEnergy to improve performance and endurance.
  • During Workout: Use Hydrate to maintain electrolyte balance and prevent fatigue.
  • Post-Workout: Consume Pure Whey Protein and Omega-3 to speed up recovery and muscle repair.

Guarantee and Quality of Supplements for Strength and Muscle Mass

GoPrimal guarantees high-quality, clean, and effective supplements. Our products are free from artificial fillers, preservatives, and unnecessary additives. We prioritize science-backed formulations that deliver real results.

How Long Does It Take to See the Effects of Using Supplements for Strength?

With consistent training and proper supplementation, you can start noticing improvements in strength and muscle mass within 4–6 weeks. Supplements enhance recovery and performance, helping you achieve your goals faster.

Is It Necessary to Take Supplements for Strength and Muscle Mass?

While it is possible to build muscle with food alone, supplements help optimize results, improve recovery, and ensure you're meeting your body's nutritional needs, especially when training intensely.

Are Supplements for Strength Only for Pro Athletes?

No. GoPrimal’s supplements are designed for anyone looking to build strength, improve performance, and support overall health—whether you're a beginner, weekend warrior, or competitive athlete.

Safety and Side Effects of Supplements

GoPrimal’s supplements are made from high-quality, clean ingredients with no unnecessary additives. When used correctly, they are safe and effective. Always follow the recommended dosages and consult a health professional if needed.

Start optimizing your strength and muscle-building journey with GoPrimal today!