Points saillants du produit


Anti-âge Anti-âge

Santé du cerveau

A unique formula with pre and pro biotics, adaptogens, coconut milk powder, MCT Oil, inulin and natural vanilla flavour. 2BILLIONS UFC B. COAGULANS - 500MG of ADAPTOGENS MUSHROOMS - 5GRS FIBER(INULINE)

We recommend taking everyday for a full month, pour one scoop into any hot beverage, specially recommended in coffee, tea or matcha. Its unique formula acts as a vanilla creamer providing pre and pro biotics together with Adaptogens.

Aucun avis

Crémier Gutbiotique - Pré et Probiotiques · Intestin · Immunité · Esprit


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2BILLIONS LIVE UFC B. COAGULANS · With Pre/Pro Biotics and adaptogens I 25 servings I 250 gr · Unsweetened . VEGAN

With Lactospore®️ Probiotic, say good bye to stomach bloating and bad digestions. Gut · Immunity · Mind

  • Prevent and Fight against Stomach bloating and indigestions. 2BILLIONS UFC B. COAGULANS
  • Regulates your stomach transit
  • With Adaptogens Mushroom for optimal mind health and focus.
  • Easy to use, just mix it with any of your favorite drinks, adding a soft and delicious cream. We recommend in hot beverages, like coffee, tea or matcha.
  • Add it to your morning coffee/tea/matcha or any hot drink. It will add a delicious soft vanilla flavour and a zero cal cream · Unsweetened

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Free shipping over €75. Limitations Apply Applies to deliveries to: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Spain, Albania, Cyprus, Estonia, Gibraltar, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Montenegro, Sweden and Turkey.

Points saillants du produit


Anti-âge Anti-âge

Santé du cerveau

A unique formula with pre and pro biotics, adaptogens, coconut milk powder, MCT Oil, inulin and natural vanilla flavour. 2BILLIONS UFC B. COAGULANS - 500MG of ADAPTOGENS MUSHROOMS - 5GRS FIBER(INULINE)

We recommend taking everyday for a full month, pour one scoop into any hot beverage, specially recommended in coffee, tea or matcha. Its unique formula acts as a vanilla creamer providing pre and pro biotics together with Adaptogens.

Protégez vos articulations et régénérez les tissus cutanés

Les peptides de collagène – la forme hydrolysée du collagène – sont la protéine la plus abondante dans le corps humain. Ils constituent jusqu’à 70 à 95 % du cartilage et sont responsables de sa structure et de sa résistance tout en servant de lubrifiant à l’articulation. Un mode de vie sain et actif est l’objectif de chacun d’entre nous – pour y parvenir, des os, des tendons et des articulations solides sont essentiels. Nous pouvons tout changer dans la vie, mais nous ne pouvons pas empêcher de vieillir (vous pouvez nous traiter de vaniteux, mais qui aime vraiment les rides ?) ou de nous blesser à la suite d'un mouvement rapide – et c'est là que le collagène entre en jeu !

💪 Cartilage et tendons sains

👩🏻 Moins de rides grâce à l'élasticité de la peau

Scientifiquement prouvé pour augmenter vos performances

How are you going to notice the difference?

As fiber consumption increases, you will feel the difference from the first week. Intestinal transit will be the first thing to notice, while the probiotic works during the first month


Our patented Probiotic Lactospore®️ has been shown to reduce stomach bloating in +60% of people who used it for at least a month

What does research say?

Lactospore has been found to influence the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, potentially aiding in weight management. By improving the balance of gut microbiota, it may help regulate appetite and energy expenditure, supporting healthy weight maintenance

What are the benefits of Adaptogens?

Adaptogens (see label for full description) is a mushroom that grows on trunks of dead hardwood trees such as oak. It has a long history of use in East Asian medicine. Adaptogens mushroom might improve nerve development and function. It might also protect nerves from becoming damaged.

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