Neuroathletic Training: What Is the Goal of Neuroathletic Training?

Want to start neuroathletic training but not sure what it does to your body? Here you’ll find the goal and everything about neuroathletic training!

Physical fitness (1) gets all of their attention when people think of fitness. No doubt, you have to be physically fit to prevent many serious health issues such as diabetes and heart diseases. If you're physically fit, you can deal better with the changes in your body as you age. But people often neglect mental fitness while making lifestyle changes to be physically fit. The importance of mental fitness can't be neglected, and it is as necessary as physical fitness.

If neuroathletic training is a new concept to you, then let’s first understand it before moving on to the goal of this training.

What Is Neuroathletic Training?

Neuroathletic training is also known as neurocentric training. This training helps in improving both mental and physical fitness. It improves your physical performance through brain training and hence reduces the chances of injury during training.

What Is the Goal of Neuroathletic Training?

Neuroathletic training consists of simple exercises to improve physical well-being by stimulating and improving brain functioning. Basti Rieder, neuroathletic's coach, said:

"We know we have a brain, but what we can use it for, we don't know. The body and brain are one - it's time we got the brain involved in training."

Neuroathletic training also helps you eliminate the imbalances and asymmetries in the body that can make it hard to achieve your physical fitness goals. Your body is controlled by your brain (2), and your brain has parts known as the left and right hemispheres. The right side of your body is controlled by the left hemisphere and vice versa. The brain coordinates both body halves in different ways. Neuroathletic training utilizes this natural phenomenon of brain-body coordination for targeted training of the "weaker side" of the body to make people physically fit through brain training.

For example, the left hand is the weaker side of right-handed people. Through various neuroathletic exercises, you can improve your physical well-being through targeted training.

How Does Neuroathletic Training Support Body-Brain Connection?

As neuroathletic training aims to activate the nervous system and brain for improved physical potential, it indicates a strong connection between your body and brain. By understanding this, you can control your body and brain more. Your body and mind are interlinked and are affected if any of them is targeted.

For example, if you increase physical activity, your brain receives more oxygen which helps it to perform better. Moreover, when your brain is stimulated, the amount of endorphins increases in the brain, which are the chemicals to make you feel good. That's why people who enjoy good physical well-being also have better levels of mental alertness than those who don't. Neuroathletic training aims at establishing and supporting an excellent body-brain connection.

The training consists of many exercises that keep your brain active via various nerve pathways from the body to the brain. These nervous pathways should be active in order to make a strong body-brain connection which is vital for both physical and mental well-being. Basti Rieder says:

"This is one of the most important systems in our body. Clear information is needed here to be able to control movements properly," He also adds,

"The better the visual information is for the brain via the eyes, the higher the quality of our movements. And the better and more pain-free I feel, too. Because pain also occurs in the brain and the visual system activates numerous brain areas that have to do with pain regulation."

Benefits of Mental Fitness

As you age, both your brain and body suffer the side effects of the increasing age. Keeping your brain fit is equally important as you should care for your physical fitness (3). Your brain controls your body movements, and if you want your body to work without interruption, you should work on your mental fitness.

There are several ways you can improve your mental fitness, going to the gym and performing hard exercises isn't the only solution. You can achieve mental fitness by visualizing peaceful scenes and locations. This will reduce tension in your brain and body and improve your functioning. Other things you can try to stay mentally fit are:

  • Read more

  • Avoid multitasking

  • Stay positive with yourself

  • Try new foods, hobbies, places, etc

  • Play games

  • Take out time to relax, visualize, etc

Bottom Line

Your mental health is as important as your physical well-being, and neuroathletic training helps you boost your brain functioning to improve your physical well-being. The effectiveness of neuroathletic training is proven by studies, and you can choose this if you're looking to improve both your body and mind!



