The science behind our Pre Workout - Humping and Pumping

Humping and Pumping is more than a pre workout. It contains effective and functional ingredients that will not only increase your energy and motivation, but also reduce muscle and mind fatigue so you can improve your performance.
Why we have decided to create a Pre WorkOut
The market is full of energy drinks and pre-workout products, most of them, if not all, full of synthetic ingredients like insane high doses of caffeine and very low doses of vitamins from the wrong source. Many of us don't want to get a massive kick before going to the gym and being hyper for many hours, not being able to concentrate after training, or being able to sleep properly. Besides the high doses of caffeine, most of these products don't really have any beneficial ingredients for your health or your performance. These products normally have cheap and noneffective ingredients like BCAAs and low doses of vitamins and minerals, and that's about it.. totally ineffective. Many of our athletes were asking for something to support their training for those days that they feel tired or very sore and especially for competition time when they want to be totally wired up but don't want to crash in the middle of the training/competition. Also, they were very worried about the inability to sleep after taking energy drinks. Natural caffeine from coffee or guarana and a combination of beta-alanine with creatine in our hydraforce, was our recommendation for many years, so at some point, we decided that we needed to look a bit more into designing the best and healthiest pre-workout possible.
The science behind each ingredient
We wanted to provide a beneficial effect on concentration, energy, motivation, blood flow, and reduction in lactic acid. These are the main burdens for many people when training in high-intensity, endurance sports or strength and conditioning. We will share with you the science of each ingredient and why we chose this exact quantity. Everything has been supported by double-blinded clinical trials, open studies of each ingredient, and valuable scientific evidence.
Taurine has been shown to have several health benefits, such as a lower risk of disease and improved sports performance. In human studies, taurine has been shown to remove waste products that lead to fatigue and cause muscle burn. It also protects muscles from cell damage and oxidative stress, which normally occurs when training. Some other findings in different studies it increases fat burning during exercise. Human studies indicate that trained athletes supplemented with taurine improved their performance. Endurance athletes(most of the amateurs) have been able to cover longer distances experiencing less fatigue.
The great debate is it good or bad for you to improve your training or if it can actually be detrimental due to the fact that increases heartbeat. Well, here is the reason why caffeine can be one of the best allies you can have for training and even more for your job. Caffeine is a natural stimulant most commonly found in tea, coffee, and cacao beans. It works by stimulating the brain and also your central nervous system, helping you stay alert, and relentless and preventing tiredness. Once ingested, caffeine is quickly absorbed from the gut into the bloodstream. However, caffeine’s main effect is directly on the brain. It functions by blocking the effects of adenosine, which is a neurotransmitter that relaxes the brain and makes you feel tired. Normally, adenosine levels build up naturally over the day, making you increasingly more tired and causing you to at the end of the day want to go to sleep. Caffeine helps you stay awake by connecting to adenosine receptors in the brain without activating them. This blocks the effects of adenosine, leading to reduce the feeling of being tired. It can also increase blood adrenaline levels and increase brain activity of its neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine. This combination can also stimulate the brain and promotes a state of alertness and focus. Because it affects your brain, caffeine is often referred to as a psychoactive drug. Additionally, caffeine tends to exert its effects quickly. You can feel the effect in 20 mins and up to 1 hour.
May boost metabolism and fat burning
Because of caffeine's ability to stimulate the central nervous system, it can increase metabolism by up to 11% and fat burning by up to 13%. As an example, consuming 300 mg of caffeine per day may allow you to burn an extra 79 calories daily. However, we don't recommend this large amount of caffeine per day.Here is the big deal: What is the difference between natural caffeine and synthetic caffeine?
Synthetic caffeine is used in many energy drinks. Synthetic caffeine undergoes many steps to be converted from its initial form of ammonia. Generally, it is exposed to harsh chemicals during production, such as methylene chloride, ethyl acetate, and carbon dioxide. Furthermore, synthetic caffeine glows – a rather frightening look – which is removed by rinsing the caffeine with sodium nitrite, acetic acid, sodium carbonate, and chloroform.
What are other natural alternatives?
Caffeine is found in plants such as cacao, coffee, yerba mate, and guarana beans. Natural caffeine is rarely found on its own; it is often present with a range of vitamins and methylxanthines also found in the plant. These vitamins and methylxanthines balance the lift and fall of the caffeine in your system and assist in delivering it to your body in a steady manner. This promotes a more sustainable energy boost than synthetic caffeine does, enabling mental clarity and focus for a longer period. A sustained release of caffeine can prevent sudden jitters and subsequent crashes commonly associated with synthetic caffeine products like energy drinks. Because of this more gradual release, natural caffeine doesn’t instigate side effects such as nervousness and difficulty sleeping as much as synthetic caffeine.
ViNitrox TM
Optimized physical capacities by delaying the fatigue barrier by 13%, which optimizes blood flow.
- Amp up Nitric Oxide levels.
- Improves muscle performance by breaking through the fatigue barrier.
- Powerful and natural antioxidant.
- ViNitrox TM is a unique proprietary synergistic combination of apple and grape polyphenols, well known for its anti-aging and antioxidant properties.
ViNitrox is extracted mainly sourced from vineyards and is carefully harvested and selected to offer the highest content in phenolic compounds. Active ingredients are extracted from the seed, leaf, skin, and shoot as each part of the vineyard is unique.
Main benefits
Healthy blood flow is linked with production of Nitric Oxide (NO) , in latest in vitro studies, ViNitrox has shown to increase NO levels. The latest clinical study was conducted on 50 athletes aged from 25 to 44. Results showed that athletes who took ViNitroxTM and made an intense effort, improved their physical capacities:
- Increases physical training timing by 10%.
- Optimized physical capacities delaying their fatigue barrier by 13%.
- It offers outstanding properties on performance improvement and an extension of the effort duration. An in vivo study shows protective properties
- A decrease of 74% of oxidative stress.
Beta alanine
No, It's not a third lung, as Mr. Fraser stated. But, Beta Alanine reduces lactic acid buildup, which leads to reduced fatigue. So how Beta Alanine works.
Supplementing with beta-alanine has been shown to elevate carnosine levels in muscles by 80%. Since beta-alanine supplements increase carnosine levels, they help your muscles reduce their acid levels during exercise. This lessens overall fatigue. Glucose is broken down: Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose, which is the main source of fuel during high-intensity exercise. Lactate is produced: As you exercise, your muscles break glucose down into lactic acid. Muscles become more acidic: The hydrogen ions reduce the pH level in your muscles. Fatigue sets in: Muscle acidity blocks glucose breakdown and reduces your muscles’ ability to contract. This causes fatigue. Carnosine buffer: Carnosine serves as a buffer against the acid, reducing the acidity in muscles during high-intensity exercise. Beta-alanine supplements increase carnosine, which reduces the acidity in your muscles during high-intensity exercise.
Many studies suggest Citrulline can boost exercise performance due to its capacity to increase blood flow. Citrulline has been studied within both endurance and strength-based exercise fields. Endurance Exercise Studies As a rule of thumb, a single dose of citrulline does not seem to improve endurance exercise performance. This is a common practice in many supplements. This means that although Citrulline may not allow more oxygen to be used by the body, it could improve oxygen use in the muscles that are in use. This may ultimately result in better exercise (endurance and strength performance). This has been demonstrated in cycling studies, where performance (improving fatigue barrier) was increased by taking citrulline supplements. In one study, cyclists taking citrulline were able to improve their fatigue barrier and cycle 12% longer before exhaustion than those taking a placebo or not taking anything at all. Taking Citrulline for seven days can also improve power output during cycling. That’s how much force can be produced in a certain amount of time.
A 2017 randomized study in 56 male soccer players found that treatment with 2 grams of L-arginine daily for 45 days significantly increased sports performance, compared with a placebo group, helping the body to create Nitric Oxide, improving blood oxygenation.
A natural substance that increases your body’s resistance to stress in different ways. Rhodiola has been used in Russia and Scandinavian country's traditional medicine for centuries. Studies have found Rhodiola may help strengthen the body’s natural response to physical stressors such as exercise and psychological stressors like fatigue and depression. Overall, Rhodiola has many health benefits. Stress, anxiety, and poor sleep are just a few factors that can contribute to fatigue, which Rhodiola has been proven to fight against them.
Overall Humping and Pumping offers a full benefit spectrum for performance, not only at the gym but also most of their ingredients combined together as they are, have been shown to provide benefits for sexual functions in women and man: increased blood flow, Nitric oxide production, fight fatigue and improving stress and sleep quality overall benefit as well a healthy living, where sex plays a big role.
What's the main difference from others
If you have read everything above, you can see already that every single ingredient is chosen because of its benefits to improve performance by: Increasing motivation and mental sharpness, blood flow, fighting fatigue barrier, and eliminate efficiently lactic acid from muscles. Every ingredient is added in an optimal amount so the effect registered in all clinical evidence is also applicable to this product. We have been very cautious with the amount of caffeine used, as large amounts of caffeine, even natural, can be detrimental to your recovery. We recommend not to take caffeine after 15h so it doesn't interfere with your sleep and circadian rhythms.
Energy drinks and why they are even worse than Soda
Commonly used in many sports and X-sports, why, we actually cant understand why, other than the surge that you could get with a high dose of caffeine. But what real benefit that can have in the long term, other than an sporadic kick you might need once in a while, the frequent use of energy drinks, most of them full of sugar, colorants and artificials it can lead into even worst consequence as the soda industry provides. Why even worst, because of the high dose of caffeine that they normally provide plus the fake health feeling of taking some sort of sport drink. Energy drinks could been manufactured in a healthier way, without synthetic caffeine, acidity regulators, sugars or sweeteners like saccharin and xylitol. There are some energy drinks out there with better ingredients, like green tea, theanine and natural caffeine in slower doses, but the majority fall in the nasty category of unhealthy energy drinks, so they can be cheap and sold everywhere.
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