The Protein Green Smoothie

Ealthy, Easy and Delicious Protein Smoothie

An easy way to have a full meal with all your micros and macros is to blend vegetables, fruit, oats and add the Grass Fed 100% hydrolyzed GoPrimal Protein. What is hydrolised protein? is the highest quality protein in the market, with no fats, carbs or sugars and also with no lactose or gluten. Normally protein shakes are used after training, but the ideal way of taking protein is by mixing it with vegetables and fruit and making a healthy, convenient and delicious smoothie. Here you can see our latest protein smoothie recipe

How to make The Protein Green Smoothie

Ingredients: Mix all ingredients in a blender and serve very cold.

Why GoPrimal protein is a superior form of whey protein

You might have seen many protein selling concentrate, whey protein or a mix of all, what what is whey protein, what is whey concentrate and what is the difference between them and 100% hydrolised protein, here we explain you.

What is the difference between whey protein concentrate and whey protein hydrolyzed?

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Why and when to take protein shake or protein

For a long time we believed that it was necessary to eat protein right after a workout to preserve and build new muscle, but studies have shown recently that the total intake of protein throughout the day is actually just as important. If you are dieting to reduce body fat, eating enough protein is also necessary to maintain muscle mass and reduce hunger even when you are in a caloric deficit. Try to get a serving of a protein-rich food in every main meal, and although you won't lose your gains’ if you don't eat RIGHT after training, it is a good idea to eat a full meal within at least 2 hours of finishing your workout! Take note we do NOT use any artificials, colorants or bovine gelatin. Just the best ingredients to make the bestsupplement for performance and overall health👌.
Here are 4 easy ways to add more protein to your diet… without having to suck down a boring protein shake or dry chicken breast.
  1. Increase (protein) portion sizes. This is probably the most simple way to increase your protein intake. No need to complicate your meals, just simply make the portions of whatever your protein choices are a bit larger. For example, if you generally eat 150g of salmon for dinner, try making it 175g. If your breakfast is greek yogurt, add an extra couple of spoonfuls.
  2. Drink a (delicious) protein shake. Not your typical “water and whey protein”… please! Try blending up frozen berries, a spoonful of almond butter or chia seeds, Go Primal vanilla whey protein, oat or almond milk and a handful of spinach. A shake like this has all three macronutrients (protein, fats and carbohydrates) and also packs in micronutrients to keep your immune system healthy.
  3. Eat more legumes. Legumes are a great way to hit your carbohydrate goals and protein goals at the same time! Legumes tend to have a ratio of about 2:1 carbs to protein, which means that in 100g of lentils you’ll find around 10g of protein and 20g of carbs. Try a mix of half rice and half lentils to add some protein to your carbs, or add garbanzo beans to your salads for a bit of a protein boost!
  4. Add protein to your breakfasts and/or snacks. Lastly, we often forget about the ‘other’ meals of the day- breakfast and snacks! The usual snack foods tend to be low in protein- nuts, yogurt, fruit, rice cakes… and breakfast isnt much better. A bowl of oatmeal with fruit IS super healthy, but it lacks the protein we need to stay full until lunchtime. Try mixing some GoPrimal Chocolate Whey protein into your morning oatmeal, or switching out yogurt with a high-protein Skyr for a snack. Try this: mix a scoop of GoPrimal Chocolate whey protein with a spoonful of milk and drizzle it over roasted sweet potatoes with cinnamon for a delicious snack.
All of our <a href="">ambassadors</a>, from doctors to pro athletes are experimenting the benefits of our <a href="">GoPrimal Hydrolised Protein</a>, recovery earlier from injuries and preventing themselves from getting sick. <row> <col span="2" span__sm="12"> <ux_image id="51207" width__sm="50" animate="bounceInUp"> <col span="10" span__sm="12"> <blockquote><span style="font-size: 100%;">"It's so much easy to make a protein green smoothie when I am going back and forward from the gym and work/home"</span></blockquote> <span style="font-size: 80%;"><strong>Sarah Massoni, second fittest in Belgium 2019 and 2020.</strong></span> <h5></h5> </ux_image></row> <gap height="69px"> <h2 style="text-align: center;">10% Discount for GoPrimal Hydrolised Protein</h2> <p style="text-align: center;">If you read all the way down here, use this discount code and get 10% for your Protein and try now the best protein shaker 😊.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #ffff00; font-size: 150%;">CODE: BITESIZE10</span></p> <button text="buy now" color="white" style="outline" size="larger" expand="0" link="<a href=" https:>" target="_blank"> <gap height="67px"> <p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 120%;">We produce products that address the micronutrient deficiencies of modern life. </span><span style="font-size: 120%;">Our focus is to improve the longevity of all our athletes, from amateurs and scaled athletes, to professionals – for us, everyone who puts in the hard work at the gym is an athlete, no matter if you just started training or participate at competitions. Trust the process, take no shortcuts but time to recover and you will reach your goals.</span></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong><span style="font-size: 120%;">DIE YOUNG as late as possible.</span></strong></p></gap></button></gap>