Omega 3 and sports

Omega 3 and sports Omega 3 fatty acids are very important for our general health – but word has not yet gotten out that Omega 3 is also a powerful helper when it comes to performance and regeneration! How does it work? Don’t worry it’s not too hard to understand ;). Everyone who is doing lots of sports should watch their intake of good fats, quality and quantity wise - Omega 3 fatty acids are a major part of those good fats which are able to prevent inflammation in muscles and joints, who may arise if you practice sports on a regular basis. Hard workouts like HIT result in micro-lesions appearing throughout our muscles, which can lead to inflammations, a delayed recovery and cause typical muscular pains- Omega 3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect and will help your body to fight against this. Furthermore, our body uses omega 3 fatty acids as building blocks for its cell membranes, to keep them flexible and smooth which makes it easier for oxygen to get into the cells – this will decrease soreness of your muscles and will enhance your performance! Another benefit from Omega 3 fatty acids is good for all of you who consume BCAA or protein shakes after working out – research has shown that by taking 2-3 grams of Omega 3 absorption of amino acids will be enhanced. Last but not least, Omega 3 fatty acids not only have benefits for regeneration and endurance but also for weight lifting since Omega 3 fatty acids support neoformation of mitochondria, the “power stations” of our cells - the more mitochondria we have the higher our performance is going to be, doesn´t this sounds great to you? How long until you feel the benefits of O3 intake? Unlike taking a good Magnesium supplement where you feel results immediately you will notice a shorter recovery and improved performance after 2-3 weeks, but results will leave you with a smile on your face – hand on it!


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  • Kiecolt-Glaser, J. et al., „Omega-3 supplementation lowers inflammation in healthy middle-aged and older adults: a randomized controlled trial“, Brain, Behavior Immunity 2012 Aug;26(6):988-95